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6th Edition of Girls Can! Magazine Unveiled

The Explorers celebrated the organization’s 10th anniversary with family, friends, and community supporters. After an exhibit display that focused on their recent STEAM study in Hawaii, Explorers changed into beautiful white dresses to celebrate the evening. Explorers from 4th grade to college graduates, were led into the banquet by three women who have made history in Kalamazoo.

3 women making a difference in the communities.


New trips, New girls, New magazines, New partnerships.

Judge Caroline Williams, Capt. Stacey Randolph, and Delta Airlines Pilot Monique Grayson led the young women as members of Motown’s Velvelettes sang Aretha Franklin’s R.E.S.P.E.C.T. The performance was led by pianist Edward Callahan who also performed classical music during the event.

Grayson’s keynote address was presented in the form of an airline captain’s instructions to her passengers. She shared how life is a journey that calls for preparation, expectations of turbulence (challenges) and smooth flight (celebration). At the end of her amazing presentation, she was presented with a Merze Tate Explorers pink jacket; making her an official Explorer.

After the address, the 6th annual Girls Can! Magazine was unveiled. Explorers celebrated featured photograph of Sanaa Olivacce by Syann Hollins. Before the event concluded, the Explorers learned of their 2019 destinations. Extended travel writing experiences will be held in Washington D.C., Orlando, Fl., and Japan!

